Saturday, February 19, 2011

Adventures in Business

Above is my very own website for my new business- Mary Kay!

My journey started off with learning about the company, finding out ways to get my business started through the Mary Kay website, ordering inventory to have items on hand to purchase, and talking a lot to other Mary Kay consultants. They are such an amazing bunch of women. Since there are no territories, everyone is so helpful and accommodating. They want you to succeed! It's so refreshing! Where in any company are people supporting you to move ahead?! I love it.

I have two goals I am trying to reach this month. One: Do 30 facials in 30 days. Two: 100 stripe tests of the new foundation in 30 days. The first goal is not as lofty, I can totally do that! I am almost there. Thanks to my mom, Jen, Steph, Rachel and Matt's lovely cousins I have 20 facials and stripe tests complete. My ten more facials will come from the parties I have lined up this coming week with Julie, Amy, and Jessica. I can't wait! However, the 100 stripe tests is a lofty goal. A lot of the ladies in MK are almost there, but since I just joined come February when the new foundations came out, I had a late start. I am hoping to get those done too.

I was able to get "adopted" into a unit here since my directors are in Florida and Georgia. They meet on Mondays. I would love to go to every single one, they are like these amazing pep rallies for selling Mary Kay! They're motivating, inspiring, and I learned a lot already in my one attended meeting! The problem with the Monday meetings are that I meet with my small group- and I love them too! My goal is to hit at least one Monday meeting/ month.

My facial classes have been great so far.  I haven't received any further bookings from them yet, but I am hoping more will continue. I would also like to try and get some stripe tests from my school friends. All I need is a willing face, no purchases necessary!

This is a very exciting time, and I am loving every minute of my new adventure. I really truly appreciate my family and friends who have supported me through this new journey and supported my facial classes. Without them, none of this could even be possible. I value that support so much. Words cannot express my gratitude to those who have booked a facial class and let me try out my new Mary Kay wings. Thank you!!

I can't wait to update more on this work in progress!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to Mary Kay!

Well, as I mentioned, it's official, I am with Mary Kay. There is a lot to do before I get this ball rolling. I just ordered my starter kit which should hopefully be started shortly. 

There is a new catalog coming out and usually consultants send these out to their customer base. However, I don't have any customers just yet, so I was wondering if you'd be interested. You don't even have to purchase anything, just send me in a message your e-mail or address and it will shipped right to you! You really have nothing to lose from this, so I would greatly appreciate the practice if you are willing to share that information. 

Additionally, I would like to ask you when you have free time to browse my website and tell me what you would like to order. This will help me with my options in what people want for inventory purposes. Again, you don't even have to order right now, but if you'd like to, that'd be super! 

I am really excited about this new adventure and I appreciate all of your help! 
Thanks, friends!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Well, It's Official

Well, I think I am in one of the oddest places I have ever been in my life. For the first time, I feel as if I don't really have it all figured out. See, I always knew exactly what I wanted to do and went for it. I knew I wanted to teach, so I ventured into every teaching avenue I could. I knew I wanted to get my masters degree, so I did. Well, now, I am doing all of these things and I am loving every minute of it. However, I seem to be on my way to a new, unfamiliar adventure. I decided to sign on to Mary Kay.

After discussing all of the previously stated options, talking with Matt, friends, and family, I found that with talking with Crystal, I was able to get a better hold on what a selling opportunity is like. Crystal was really informative and it seemed like Mary Kay would provide me with just what I needed in this part time job: a flexible schedule, plenty of repurchase opportunities so less parties during the school year are necessary, and a great pay rate, better than any other company I was looking at.

I am really excited, but super nervous. First of all, I have never sold anything. Hopefully, I have inherited my dad's amazing ability to sell body their own shirt off their back. :) I know you may be thinking, "Makeup? Really Kristen? You don't know the first thing about that!" And, you would probably be correct. I do wear just the basics, but I have sampled Mary Kay's products, and they are really great. Matt has been really supportive. It's also really nice because if I find out this isn't right for me, there is time to change.

I would just appreciate prayer and support over all of this if you think of me. I think it will be a great new adventure, and I can't wait to see what it holds. I have just ordered my inventory box and supplies. So, once that comes, I can really sit down and get the ball rolling. Thank you to those that put in their thoughts to help me on this journey.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Help, Can Somebody Get My Purse?

So, I know I probably don't really need to, especially after hearing about being rich with God at church on Sunday, but I have been thinking of getting something to do part time. I used to tutor, and that was great. However, we aren't allowed to do it in the school building anymore, and nobody wants to drive their child to the library after school. So, I am tutee-less, which was a great way to get some extra income. Now, I have to devise another plan.

I thought of going the route of getting a second job somewhere, but the question is when and where? I really need something flexible. I have been pondering the idea of selling something like Pampered Chef, Thirty-one, or Mary Kay. I really don't know if I am a great seller or not, but I think I could get people excited about a product. I don't know what I would sell. What would people buy? Who would support me? Could I actually get customers? I have all of these questions. I would really like to try it out, and the nice thing is with these companies if I don't stick with it after awhile, I will at least get what I purchased to start my adventure as a going away prize. 

So, my question for you is: What do you think I should do or sell? What would you most likely want to purchase? 

I would be ever so grateful for your response. I just want to see if there are opportunities out there for me without me actually putting the money upfront right away. I still need to do some praying about it and all, but I am very curious as to what your opinion is on the matter. 

Pampered Chef Site:
Tastefully Simple Site:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A List of Thoughts

  • I love being married to Matt Hankins. He is amazing. I love getting to know and loving him more each day. I can't believe it's been 3 years of marriage already. Time has flown by, as well as it seeming as if this is always how it should be. 
  • I want to move to Colorado as soon as possible. Specifically the Fort Collins area. It has everything I want in a place to live and more. 
  • I would like to hunt for a teaching job in Colorado and head on out. 
  • I would also like to have horses there too. It would be a phenomenal riding adventure through the mountains. 
  • I will stop adding Colorado things to my list, but it's going to happen. I will post pictures and explain more when I get them uploaded. 
  • I love my family. I hope they know that. They are so amazing, and I am so thankful for them each day.
  • I am really thankful for such amazing friends. I hope they know how much I am thankful for them too. 
  • I need to be a better person. I think I can be way to mean or rude. I need to learn to filter and be patient.
  • I am tired. I am almost so tired, I can't sleep. I hate that. 
  • I feel as if I need to step up my game as an educator. I really want to go above and beyond. I am trying. I wish I had a bit more time to just stop, think, and then create. 
  • I really love my job. I love the teacher friends. I love my kids. I love the joy and excitement of it all. 
  • Matt and I just bought a little table lamp because our stand up lamp's bulb died and they don't have that bulb anymore. When we plugged in our table lamp, and put the old bulb back in the old lamp, it came on again.  It looks perfect in here. Why did it take us so long to get another lamp?
  • I really like my Maddie pup. She is super sweet. I really wish I could deactivate her bark though. 
  • Ok, now I am really tired. I think I am off to bed. I have stupid acuity training tomorrow. Hopefully, Eryn and I can do our ornaments after it's over. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Of Epic Failures and Redemption

Ok, so I totally failed on keeping up with my blogging, obviously. To be fair, I knew this would happen. I am a terrible journal keeper. I always aspire to write about my life and thoughts, but don't ever follow through. So, here's to redemption and getting things take care of eventually!

The School Year
My school year is going great with the kids. I really like them and we have a lot of fun. I am trying to improve my teaching style all of the time, and I am excited about all of the ideas in my brain I want to implement. Lately though, school has been intense. I have had to go to this Acuity Training about a computer program that tests our kids' abilities and compares them like I-STEP scores. I then had to help teach the other teachers how to do this too. On top of that, we had to have our DRA testing complete, and therefore every other day I had a sub in my classroom. Having a sub is a lot of work. I would much rather be teaching instead of testing. I wish the subs could do that.

Highland Campus
I am really excited about our Suncrest Highland Campus. We have only had two services so far, one being a preview and the other being our launch Sunday. The numbers went up for launch Sunday and I can't wait to see the numbers tomorrow. It is just really amazing to see God working and touching lives of those helping out and newcomers to our church. My very favorite part of Highland Campus is hands down when my mom came with me to preview Sunday. I am praying she will come back more. I think it would be really great to have my family at church too. Suncrest is just so amazing and the people there are terrific. I think my family would meet a lot of new friends. We most often get together each week, so it would be neat to go to church and then have lunch together on Sundays as our new tradition.

I have been doing Weight Watchers and I have lost 9.2 pounds so far. I really like it and am loving tracking and keeping myself toward a goal. I just could not believe how monstrously hossy I got over the last two years. My weight has been on a roller coaster ride since the whole stressing of the horses. I haven't been able to get myself back into those healthy habits until now. My mom is doing it with me and she has lost over 13 pounds! I am so proud of her.

Matt is working for The Image House and really likes it a lot. The owner would like to keep on and add him as full time once their quarter is over in December. Keep him in your prayers that that happens. I have never seen him enjoy any type of working as much as I have seen him do this. I love that. I love my job and am eager to go in everyday. I really wish that for everyone, especially Matt since he's been so down about not working for so long. I am just so thankful and blessed that God does provide!

We went apple picking this year at a new place. It was really good! At first, I was worried we weren't going to get to go at all because our September was so busy. However, it turned out to be a great time. I love apple picking time with the family. We got these delicious apples that were as big as softballs, some delicious raspberry pie, apple butter, and of course some terrific family fun. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures because my camera was out of batteries and the Flip had died out too. I need to be better prepared! 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Trying Things Out

I thought I would attempt this blogging thing. I am quite terrible at keeping a journal or diary, but I thought I should at least give it a shot. It has been fun checking up on long distant friends and how they are doing. Perhaps, I thought, maybe somebody would like to know what Matt and I are up to. We aren't that engaging, I know, but maybe our everyday excitements will be of some interest to you. However, they may not. :-)
This summer has been quite busy for us. This is actually the very first summer since I've been teaching that I am not anxiously awaiting the first day of school. Don't get me wrong, I am always thrilled to start off the school year and I still love what I do, but I am really enjoying my summer. With all of the traveling we were doing and my tutoring this summer, I really feel like I was enjoying it!

We started off our summer with a trip to PA to visit Eric, Ashley, Auntie Nancy, and Grahm. We had had this trip planned out for awhile all thanks to Eric's grand scheme to invite us to Brewfest, a day of drinking beer from 4 ounce cups until your heart (or belly) is content, and then propose to Ashley. Caralyn, Matt, and I drove up Thursday night after Caralyn's Cub's game and we arrived Friday afternoon. Brandon, Victoria, Jessica, and TJ were going to join us on the Brewfest and engagement adventures as well. They were driving separately and meeting us at Eric's. When we arrived in PA, Ashley gave us the tour of the house and we discussed all of the previous Brewfest happenings as well as predictions for ours tomorrow; unaware that in just a few hours she was going to be asked to become an official Salczynski. It was a great little trip.

Our next trip of the summer was the Tuesday morning as soon as we got back from our weekending in PA. Matt and I left with his mom's side of the family to go to TN. We stayed in this amazing cabin that had four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a living room with kitchen and dining area, a wrap around porch, a deck on each level (there were three), a jacuzzi, a rec room complete with three arcade games, a pool table, a bar area, a juke box (which was a bit annoying), a laundry room, and a home theater room with a ginormous TV complete with Blueray, cable, and a wii. We even hooked up our XBox to play and try to watch Netflix movies. We went hiking and horseback riding in the mountains, we toured some delicious wineries, and went to Gatlinburg, which was a huge tourist trap if I ever saw one. We had a great time.

Our Tennessee Cabin in the Mountains

 Aiden as a Bear
(We also saw two real life bears!)

Our Family Hike to the Waterfall

Not only did we do a bit of traveling, but we enjoyed some spectacular gatherings with friends and family. For the weekend of the Fourth of July we went to Matt's dad's in Logansport and spent some time there. But, before we headed for that trip, we started a new tradition with our community group and had a White Trash Party at the Lesko's. We dressed up in our trashiest garb, shared in delicacies such as cheese balls, PBR, and spray can cheese. We sat in the front yard around a lovely spool table complete with a cable dish centerpiece. A good time was had by all! 
Matt in his White Trash Outfit

The WT Girls

The WT Guys

 We've been able to spend time on the beach at Auntie Sue's, cookout with my parents and swim, enjoy some Polish delights at the Pirogi Fest, and much, much, more. So, as you can see, we've been having a great summer. We have been able to catch up with friends, family, and just enjoy life. It is great! Our next trip is this weekend to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. I will be sure to share the fun when we return!